Griffith Park

Our Products are Also Available on ETSY!


Have we mentioned that we are also on ETSY? All of our MULTIPLANES products and selections of prints and stickers are all on ETSY. If you prefer to shop on that site make sure to stop on by and “favorite” our shop or pick something up while you’re there. Our best selling Disneyland inspired “Happy Haunts” and “McFly” Dioramas have really taken off there!

Thanks for supporting small businesses like ours!



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Our Series 2 MULTIPLANES, Wonderwalls," is now shipping!!!

This past weekend at our favorite annual Designercon convention we launched our all new lineup of MULTIPLANES called “Wonderwalls.” It features 5 new designs of subjects that we love. McFly, Pacific Electric Railroad, Griffith Observatory, Acoustic Guitars, and Happy Haunts are the new stars of this current line of MULTIPLANES! They all feature super intricately cut graphics that are distributed across 6 frames. They make a great gift for people that love dioramas and 3 dimensional art. They all measure about 5”x7”x3” and are perfect for displaying on a shelf, desk, or display cabinet.

Get one today!